İçim Titrer
Nisan 3, 2024
Şeker Portakalı & Sibel Hanım
Nisan 3, 2024

The Picture of Dorian Gray: Review

Oscar Wilde, a writer beyond his age, wrote the Picture of Dorian Gray. In this book, you can come across multi-faceted perspectives. Oscar Wilde was a man of his word, in the 19th century. The book indeed revealed the truths that did not want to be seen but from the kingdom’s perspective, the book violated the laws guarding the public morality. In order to preserve this morality, Oscar was imprisoned, and his name was wiped out from everywhere. Even though these actions worked for a while, they made us see the infinity of true art.

Firstly, we should know that 3 main characters. Basil Hallward is the painter of the picture, which represents the good part of humanity. Typically, he sees all the good sides of people, not all of them, he sees only what is worth seeing. On the other hand, Lord Henry is the devil’s left hand, who’s a close friend of Basil and usually visits Basil just to talk with him or look at his art. He has such a manipulative mind that easily controls the people. As it can also be seen in the book, he enjoys shaping people’s lives like they are toys. The last but most important character is Dorian Gray, a puppet for Henry, a love for Basil, mirror for readers. He’s the actual character in the book, we read his actions, choices, and outcomes.

Overall, I read an amazing book which is about pleasure, love, duplicity, lies, emotions, real life, psychology, and manipulation. This printed work shows us different kind of perspectives on life and actions. This is a volume that should be read more than once, I’m sure that whenever we read it, we’ll have distinct experiences.

I want to thank all these people who encouraged me to read this book, they worked hard and I’m proud of each person who did it. Thanks to the team of Simurg Seçki! ????

Sources: Adobe Express – The Picture of Dorian Gray, Chaotic, Collage.

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Su Kutan
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